Tuckered Out with Ami Thakkar

Tuckered Out LIVE! From The SALUTE (South Asian Ladies Unite To Empower) Summit

Episode Summary

We're coming at you LIVE! from the inaugural summit of SALUTE in my favorite city, NYC baby. The SALUTE (South Asian Ladies Unite To Empower) mission is to build an impactful community of South Asian women focused on innovation, unity, and progress. Members of this community are rising leaders in their fields, who are making decisions to shape the present and influence the future. Guys, I can't tell you how much I love this community. The founders have built something very special and profound for South Asian Women. The summit itself was not only impactful, but it felt incredibly warm and intimate, which is not easy to pull off. I had a blast talking to so many amazing South Asian women who are just dominating in their fields, checking out all their amazing brands, and also running into all sorts of friends. It felt like one big reunion, so I hope you enjoy this very special Live episode honoring the women of SALUTE. 

Episode Notes

We're coming at you LIVE! from the inaugural summit of SALUTE in my favorite city, NYC baby.


The SALUTE (South Asian Ladies Unite To Empower) mission is to build an impactful community of South Asian women focused on innovation, unity, and progress. Members of this community are rising leaders in their fields, who are making decisions to shape the present and influence the future.


Guys, I can't tell you how much I love this community. The founders have built something very special and profound for South Asian Women. The summit itself was not only impactful, but it felt incredibly warm and intimate, which is not easy to pull off. I had a blast talking to so many amazing South Asian women who are just dominating in their fields, checking out all their amazing brands, and also running into all sorts of friends.


It felt like one big reunion, so I hope you enjoy this very special Live episode honoring the women of SALUTE.  


In today’s episode, I talked with:  

Connect with SALUTE: 

Let's Connect:  
